September 15 2016 0Comment

Market Research, Planning & Sales Strategies

Date: Thursday, September 15, 2016
September 22, 2016 9am - 1pm

Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Location: Online
Webinar, - ZOOM    Directions

Price: $125.00

This 10 hour workshop provides participants with a framework for creating, implementing and evaluating a customized Marketing Plan, Sales Strategy and a Marketing Communication Campaign. The workshop is offered in 3 Parts over 2 days.

Part I (Market Research) and Part II (Marketing; Sales Strategy & Communications) are offered on the same day with Part I offered in the morning then Lunch then Part II offered in the afternoon. Part III (Market Plan Implementation) is offered a week later in the morning.

The Learning Objectives of this workshop is to help new and established businesses:

  • Conduct effective market research and be able to interpreted research information to inform marketing decision making;
  • Understand the fundamentals of marketing & business strategy management;
  • Become better sales and communication manager and develop effective strategies to accomplish their marketing and sales objectives;
  • Learn to set the budget they need to implement identified tactics, as well as execute their market plan, monitor its performance, and assessing return on investment.

TOPICS to be covered:

Thursday, September 15, 2016, 9am - 4pm

  • Part I: Market Research (3 hrs)

    • Limitations of Market Research
    • Government Data Sources
    • Commerical Data Sources
    • Library Resources
  • Part II: Marketing; Sales Strategy & Communication (3 hrs)

    • Long Term and Short Term Goals
    • Setting Objectives
    • Defining your Strategies
    • Market Tactics
    • Competitor Analysis

Thursday, September 22, 2016, 9am - 1pm

  • Part III: Market Plan Implementation (4 hrs)

    • Overview of the Planning Process
    • Budget Performance Analysis
    • Financial, Budget and Breakeven Analysis
    • Implmentation of Marketing Mix
    • Annual Timetable with Monthly Targets
    • Cost Efficency Calculations
    • Evaluation of Results
    • Performance Criteria
    • Return on Investment

Post-Training Counseling

Once the training is completed, clients should have produced an outline of their company marketing plan. Any additional assistance and fine-tuning cna be provided in an effort to complete a final plan. A draft plan is required in order to be scheduled for an appointment.

A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION is issued after participating in all three series of the Marketing & Sales Strategies Workshops.

Lunch will be provided the day Part 1 & II are taught. Participants will have a 10 minute break during the training of Part III.

Your Presenter(s)


Wanda Pendelton


Ka-Neng Au

Ka-Neng Au is a Business Librarian at the John Cotton Dana Library of Rutgers University Libraries. He has reference, collection development, and bibliographic instruction responsibilities in accounting, business, economics, and management, as well as computer science and global studies. Au has been a conference speaker in the US and abroad and the author of several journal articles and book chapters on information technology and business information resources.


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